The real culture war : Its not about Marriage its about Money
The supreme court has determined that it ok to discriminate. In an
unbelievable decisions a student was refused a merit scholarship he earned based on his choice of major. To me this is very scary. They are basically saying that you can determine special class of people based on religion. The idea is that the state can not fund religious institution.
Does that mean no earned income tax credits for people who pay dues in churches ? It would see so to me. No food stamps for mormons because the money can be diverted to religious uses. How is food stamps or EITC that different from a merit based college scholarship.
The push for gay marriage acceptance at the state level is also about money. 500k exclusion for married couple for profits on sale of property vs. 250k for single person. This is one example of the money issue with marriage. Also social security survivors benefits.
In the end this progressive push against financing religion and for financing every other type of behavior will back fire and all government social funding will be cut because no one will want to cooperate together. There is a good article on the called the
progressive dilemma". Which in a nutshell says that people will only be willing to fund social works projects they believe could benefit them if they were in the same situation.